Are you developing a real estate model and want to seamlessly connect with the surrounding neighbourhood?

As a real estate developer, you have the power to shape the communities where you build. By prioritizing Place-led Development, you can create vibrant and inclusive public spaces in and around your building that serve neighbourhood needs, while also delivering a range of ESG benefits. 
What is Place-led Development?
'Place-led Development is real estate and area development that transforms places into vibrant urban hubs, bringing positive environmental and social impact to a city at eye level. It is the outcome of combined collaboration between urban planning, placemaking, and community development.'
Oftentimes, new real estate developments receive backlash from the surrounding neighbourhood due to a lack of project knowledge, a sense of intrusion or perhaps no perception of the added benefit to the already existing community is recognized. Plot Twist Placemaking takes a hands-on approach to Place-led Development including research, strategy and action in order to uncover needs on a neighbourhood scale and provide developers with strategic insights to fulfil these needs within or around the project development. By integrating place-led strategies and involving the surrounding neighbourhood during the project conception phase, the positive impact of the development is boosted because it takes a collaborative bottom-up approach to urban integration.
Plot Twist Placemaking offers a customized Place-led Development package to bring mutual value to your business, residents and neighbours.

The package includes:  
> Neighbourhood qualitative research - surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.
> Onsite neighbourhood activation and engagement - event management and facilitation 
> Insights and strategy overview - short and long-term planning
> Monitoring management action plan - tracking progress and returns

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) benefits include:
> Co-creating solutions to environmental issues including neighbourhood energy use, waste, pollution, natural resource conservation and climate policies. 
> The participatory approach delivers positive social impact to internal and external stakeholders targeting topics such as diversity, inclusion, community, social justice and corporate ethics.
> The transparent and accurate methodology ensures governance standards are kept at their highest integrity, promoting trust and responsible leadership. 

Are you interested in integrating your real estate development in a surrounding urban context?
...and learn more about what
Place-led Development 
can do for you and your community.


Let’s bring community beyond the building, together.

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